Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Busted Nose

       My roommate’s name is Stradlater, he’s a pretty arrogant guy. He’s huge and he must think that he can push me around or something. But man, do I ever hate that kid so much. He tried forcing me to write his stupid composition for English. I had to write descriptively about a plain old object. So I wrote about my dead bother’s baseball mitt. It was really good, I think. But it wasn’t good enough for Stradlater. It pissed him off that I didn’t write about a bedroom or a table or something boring. He hated that I never followed the rules. He claimed that’s why I was getting the boot out of Pencey.
      I was annoyed with Stradlater bashing my composition, so I tore it up and threw it in the garbage. He can write his own damn essay as far as I’m concerned! I smoked a cigarette after I did that, just to piss Stradlater off even more. He was on a date with my good friend Jane, and he was refusing to tell me any of the details of their night. It was pissing me off. So I attacked Stradlater, but because he’s much bigger than me, he had me pinned to the ground in no time. I was insulting him like crazy, and man, does he ever hate it when you call him a moron. It was really eating at him, me calling him a moron over and over again. He must have been starting to believe me. Well he didn’t take me calling him that much longer before he took a really good swing at my face. I was bleeding like a mad man. I hate that kid so much. I’ve only been in one other fight in my life, and that one didn’t end very well either.
    Stradlater was actually worried that he hurt me a lot, probably only because he’s phony and was scared that he was going to get in trouble for bloodying my nose and breaking it or something. I’m glad he left the room after. I don’t want to see him ever again.

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